Up the Bum No Harm Done…

A lot of men would like to experiment with anal play but are worried about appearing gay or even just too submissive. BUT it doesn’t have to be like that, lots of straight alpha guys love anal fun and you can as well

Anal Play Does Not Make You Gay!

FACT – Most men are scared of a woman going anywhere near their ass.

What’s the big deal boys? You get turned on by playing with girls’ butts and you know most girls love it. Why can’t women repay the favor and give you some anal pleasure? Did you know men can orgasm from the prostrate gland (sometimes known as the male g-spot)?

You need to realize that a lot of women like fantasizing/playing with your ass. Personally I like playing with a man’s ass because I know how much fun I can give him. Also it’s like breaking down the last barrier. It only happens when there is a lot of trust and respect. The fact that a man let’s me play with his ass means we are comfortable with each other.

Losing your fears opens up doors! (Pun intended!)

Anal play does not make you gay!
It just means you like your butt to be played with. It would only be gay if it was a man playing with your butt (derrrrrh! 😉 ). If this is what scares you then you need to let go because you’re missing out on a whole new world of fun!

You will not be covered in poop!
There is a time and a place for anal play. You need to make sure you are showered and preferably hair free. That you don’t need to break wind or use the bathroom and if you struggle with constipation then you should think dramatically about increasing your water and fibre intake, this BTW is for more reasons than just butt play!

No pain no gain… (Only joking! 😉 )
Feeling pain is a legitimate concern but anal play does not have to be painful. There are 3 easy steps to follow… You need to stay relaxed, use plenty of lube and go slowly. If you follow these three steps there is no need at all to suffer for your pleasure.

Now we have the fear out the way we can look at the ways of stimulating your butt hole:

Rimming (licks to the butt hole)
It feels amazing and trying this can be your first step to anal pleasure. Try giving and receiving in the good old 69 position.

Finger (up your butt)
Get your woman to slide one in and curl it round to find and pleasure your prostate. Make sure she lubes up!

Anal beads
You can have a lot of fun with these. Try getting your woman to pull them out as you cum and your orgasm will be much more intense than usual. (Very good fun!).

Vibrating toys are awesome…
Give it a try. Don’t worry you are NOT gay if you play with one of these. The vibrations will stimulate your anus and massage your prostate YOU WILL ENJOY IT A LOT!

Strap on
Your woman can use one of these on you for some seriously fun role play (if you dare!). Its important to get the right strap-on!

There you go! Some advice to help you get started. Do your best to let go of your fears and it will be worth it. Anal play can increase intensity of orgasms, give you a new type of orgasm and add a whole new element to your sex life. So check out these toys and get started…

I understand that this might be scary so comment below and make sure you join our community for help, advice and encouragement.


Spanking for Beginners – My Top 10 Tips

Do you like the idea of spanking or being spanked. Either way it can be a lot of fun! Check out these easy to follow tips and advice to make it as sexy and erotic as possible…

Spanking for beginners can be one of two things:

1. A sexy way to have fun with your lover
2. A painful or embarrassing experiment that you never try again!

Personally, I really enjoy spanking a lady’s ass. Especially if it’s slightly chubby, so it wobbles as I spank it :-). Spanking can be great fun, it feels naughty, sexy and kinky all at the same time. So if you want to add spanking to your repertoire of sexual activities check out my ten top tips:

Who’s doing what? – Decide who wants to spank and who wants to be spanked. OK, this one is pretty damned obvious but still don’t make any assumptions. You never know what sexual desires could be lurking deep within your partner! If you are both beginners, perhaps you should each try both roles and see who prefers doing what?

Get in the mood – Spanking is best done when in the right mood. Sometimes soft, gentle, cuddly sex is right for the moment but on other occasions harder, kinkier, dirtier sex is much more fun. Pick the right time and use fantasy, naughty texts, role plays and whatever else you fancy to help get you in the right frame of mind for giving it a go.

Create a safety word – Some people like to say no when they mean yes during spanking. It’s part of the fun of being dominated, but this can cause obvious problems if you’re not careful. How will the spanker know when to stop if he or she has been told to ignore words like “no” or “please stop”? This is where the safety word comes in. Pick a word that will stand out and immediately tell your lover that you have had enough.

Massage oil – This is a personal favorite of mine. Massaging some sort of oil into a butt before it gets spanked is great fun. It makes the spanks sound and feel better plus in my opinion an oily butt often looks better than one without a shine to it.

Picking the sweet spot – This takes practice and every cheek is different. Start off gently and try to find the fleshiest, curviest bit of the butt to spank. You will know you have found it, as it will feel great when you strike it.

The perfect spank – Again this takes practice and you need to aim for the sweet spot (see above). As you try spanking, some strikes will feel really great, something about the timing of the motion and how your hand meets the ass will be just perfect and both you and your partner will know it’s a good one!

Rhythm – Experiment with varying the rhythm, from slow and steady to sharp and fast. Try various tempos and see what reaction you get from the person you are spanking.

Build the intensity – Start off slowly and gently. As blood starts to flow to the person’s ass their pain threshold will go up slightly. So once you have warmed them up you can go harder and faster without hurting them (too much 😉 ).

From cheek to cheek – Don’t just hit the one spot again and again. Swap from cheek to cheek and work your hand all around the fleshy area. If you just concentrate on one area for too long the pain will very quickly get too much!

Spanking paddles – From the perspective of the spanker they stop your hand from getting sore and allow you to use more power in your spanking. From the perspective of being spanked if you like it hard then your need to make sure you’re being spanked with a paddle!

Interesting spanking fact: Experiencing sensations of pain releases feel good hormones into the body. So by pushing your boundaries and getting a good hard spanking you are likely to have much more intense orgasms.

There you go, some tips about spanking for noobies. We have a whole community of sexy people sharing tips and advice on sex, spanking and fantasies. You can join (for free) here and get involved in the fun…

Have a good one!
PS – Click here to buy the perfect spanking paddle and browse our huge range of sex toys…

Reading a Woman’s Signals…

Most women communicate a lot with non-verbal signals like body language and eye contact. Once you crack this code you can learn what she really wants and then take her sexy pleasure up to a whole new level…

She’s Telling You What She Wants!

If you are a man reading this you need to learn one very important thing about women.

Women are much better at (and often prefer) non-verbal communication to verbal.

What do I mean by this? Women are very skilled at communicating without speaking. They are much more likely than men to communicate this way and because of this are much better than men at doing so.

Ladies, if you disagree with this just think for a moment. How many times have you sat waiting for a guy to kiss you, thinking you are making it stupidly obvious but he doesn’t make a move? Do you think that same guy would hesitate if you said, “kiss me”? Probably not!

There is a long and complicated evolutionary theory for all this that I might blog about if there is enough interest. (Let me know in the comments section below if you are interested?)… But for the sake of this argument just accept that women communicate using non-verbal signals A LOT.

Another point worth bearing in mind, relates to the point above, women sometimes forget or aren’t aware that men aren’t great at reading their signals. This leads to all sorts of confusion and miscommunication.
Think about this one for a while, it could help you out with the opposite sex in ALL aspects of your life!

What has all this got to do with sex?

Most men have very simple needs, but for women it is different. Women are complicated and have wide a range of sexual needs and desires. They all have different needs. Even the same woman will have different needs depending on what day it is. All this can make it tricky for a man who wants to satisfy one or more women!

To make it even more complicated a lot of women have this ideal fantasy of a man knowing exactly what to do to please her without needing any help or advice? Yes fellas, this is annoying and makes it even harder to learn how to turn a woman on! (You gotta love ’em though…Right? 😉)

So, the secret to learning how to turn your woman on and the secret to being the guy “that just knows what to do” is simple, powerful and very effective:

Get very good at reading her non-verbal signals

  • Watch her body
  • Listen to the noises she makes
  • Keep an eye on her breathing
  • See if her skin is flushed
  • Check to see if her pupils are dilated (wide open)

Important note number one
Not all of these signals are always accurate, especially things like the size of her pupils or if her skin is flushed. BUT if you watch all of these when you are with her you will get the picture of how she is feeling.

As you practice this with one or more women, you will get a sixth sense for it. You will notice and react to any changes in her body and you will be able to use this sense to increase the amount of pleasure you give her.

Important note number two
Don’t act like some crazy scientist studying a creature from outer space! Don’t spend all your time obsessively watching every move she makes! Instead just become aware of the signals she is giving you and use them to change the way you touch her.

As you get good at this, you will be able to read all sorts from her:

  • What she likes
  • What she doesn’t like
  • What speed she likes
  • What pressure she likes

And that’s just the start, the better you get at reading her body, the more you will be able to get out of it. Not only will you be a much better lover but you will also be able to create a deeper emotional bond with the women you sleep with. She will feel more understood, more satisfied and happier with her love life. One thing I’ve learnt over time is that the happier a woman is with her sex life the more sex she wants…!

Ladies – I would love to hear your thoughts and comments below.
Guys – Hit me up with any questions or thoughts.

(All you need to do is post your comments in the box below, it will go live once its approved).

BTW if you haven’t joined our free sexy community – do it now… It rocks and you’ll love it!

Have a good one!
PS – You might want to check out this post on how to last longer and this one on how to use the deep spot to blow any woman’s mind…

What Turns Women On

When it comes to sex us ladies are strange creatures. We get turned on by all sorts of things that guys would never, ever realize…Until now that is..! 😉

12 Random Things That Make Me Horny!

I am writing this blog to give men a better understanding of just how secretly horny most women are. In my last post, women love sex, I talked about the same subject and why women suppress their true feelings. The list below shares some of the day to day experiences that I come across that get me hot and horny. As you will see some of them are very random! 🙂

If you are a man reading this, then these might surprise you. If you are a woman reading this, then you will probably have your own list so please, do me a favor and list them below in the comments section. If it helps give men a better understanding of how we work then it’s worth the effort!

In no particular order…

The harmonica: The men that usually play this beautiful instrument are old, fat and ugly. For some reason every time I hear and see them my mind will fantasize about how they would make love to me. I suddenly don’t care one bit what he looks like, he is sexy as hell to me.

A man that has just finished work: (Especially a construction worker or mechanic) I think it has something to do with them working hard all day. Usually, as soon as I see one, I have mind flashes of helping them release their tension and aching muscles.

Tractors. Yes tractors!!! – I instantly get horny from seeing one and if it’s a young farmer driving them then watch out if you’re on the road because my eyes are not where they should be!!!

Talking to hot girls: This one is really naughty of me because they probably won’t know that I swing both ways. They are chatting innocently to me all the while I am eyeing them up and imagining what it would be like to fuck them.

Bald heads: I’m a sucker for them (think Bruce Willis and Jason Statham). It must have something to do with the way they are portrayed as ‘The tough guy that will protect me’. He can be twice my age with a beer gut, but I will still look at him with a sexy curiosity if he has a sexy bald head.

Feminine men: Yes, this type of man also makes me wonder a lot. I am sure it is because they are in touch with their feminine side, which gives me hope that he will understand me on a deeper level than your average tough guy.

Chocolate: As soon as it starts to melt in my mouth, I am reminded of sex!!!

Vibrations on a bus: Before I passed my driving test I used to ride the bus everywhere I went. I’ve had plenty of experiences where my mind wanders off on a shaky bus and I cannot wait till I can get home to finish the job!

People bending over: “Would I, wouldn’t I?” I can’t help myself… It just turns me on.

Feet: I have a foot fetish (most of us love something that’s weird, right?) and I just love summer because of it! I get instant images in my mind of sucking toes when I see nice feet.

Wind between my legs: OK, so I go commando here and there for the thrill of it. I am fine most of the time until the wind hits me between my legs. It makes me think sexy thoughts and then my mind starts racing!

Music: Certain music gets me wet and takes my mind into the world of fantasy.

This should give you an idea on how many times a lady can get horny through the day! You may think this is strange, but I promise you it’s not. I may be at the top end of the scale for horny women but believe me the majority of ladies think like this.

Guys… I challenge you to find out what random things your lady finds a turn on and use it to amplify the fun you have together.

Ladies… The more of this you share with your man, the better your sex life will be. If you feel shy, then send your man this blog post to get you started.

We have a huge community that loves to delve into the world of fantasy so come and join us here.


How Taking a Leak Can Improve Your Sex Life!?!? (Tip for the men)

Simple, easy to follow tips to improve a man’s sex life. And yes it does have everything to do with taking a leak…

Yes, you heard me right. Taking a leak can improve your sex life. No this isn’t a joke and no it isn’t some dumb internet scam to try and get you to spend money. It’s just a simple technique to help you to…

Improve your ejaculation control (You get to choose when you cum!)
Increase the intensity of your orgasms.
Give you the capability to have multiple orgasms!

Yes you read that right, it’s little known fact that men can have multiple orgasms. So what the hell am I talking about?

How to do it:

EVERY TIME you take a leak stop mid flow 5-10 times, pause for a second or two before carrying on. It’s that simple. Just stop and start your flow as many times as possible.


This strengthens your pelvic floor muscles (also known as PC or kegel muscles). These muscles (the same ones that lift your balls up and down) and their strength dictate how intense your orgasms are, how much control you have over ejaculation and can also help you have multiple orgasms!

Ejaculation control:

The stronger your PC muscles are the longer you can last during intercourse. As your PC muscles improve you will have much, much more control over when you cum.

Increase the intensity of your orgasms:

I have no ideas why this is, but I know its true from my own experience. As your muscles get stronger your orgasms increase in intensity. You should start to notice a difference within a few weeks of starting this exercise.

Male multiple orgasms:

This is more complicated and needs it’s own blog post to explain it fully. But if your PC muscles are well trained it is possible to use them to stop ejaculation during orgasm. This means you can have a dry orgasm without losing your erection. This of course means you can carry on and have multiple orgasms in a similar way to a woman.

Give it a go:

Try it out for a few weeks and you will notice a difference. Like I said before just stop mid flow as many times as possible, every time you take a leak.
I will post a longer blog post on kegel exercises, ejaculation control and multiple orgasms soon but for now just practice this one tip and you will be amazed!


(Please note I am not a Doctor! If you have any serious concerns around your health please consult a professional health worker).

Feel free to comment or ask any questions using the form below. If you haven’t already you really need to join our sexy online community now! The members are awesome; it’s rammed with sexy stories, advice, chat and lots of very horny people.

Have a good one!