- Why do I love getting blowjobs so much?
- What is it about them, that can be better than sex?
Don’t get me wrong here, I love having sex but if I’m honest I prefer blow-jobs a lot of the time.
The main reason is this – When I have an orgasm from a blow-job, its much, much more intense than from sex. I’m not sure why this is, but it is definitely the case. Maybe its because I often wear condoms during sex? Maybe it’s just a different more intense type of stimulation? But if I’m honest I think it is mainly down to focus.
When I’m fucking a woman I have to concentrate on lots of things…Getting a nice rhythm going, lasting long enough for her to enjoy herself, picking a position that is fun for both of us, etc, etc. Again don’t get me wrong here, I’m certainly not complaining, I really do enjoy having sex. BUT when I am getting a blow-job, I don’t have to concentrate on ANYTHING apart from the sensations of pleasure I am feeling. I can just lie back, stay present, focus on what the lady is doing, relax and enjoy. This peace of mind, this ability to relax and focus on my own body and pleasure all build up to a much, much more powerful orgasm.
The other main reason is the out and out selfishness of it. The fact that a woman is concentrating all her efforts on giving me pleasure is a big turn on for me (and hopefully for her as well). When I’m going down on a woman, I want her to feel special, sexy and pampered, I love doing this and it makes me horny as hell. So when a girl is going down on me it’s the same but in reverse. If I ever end up sleeping with a woman who doesn’t like giving blow-jobs I’m afraid to say our relationship is doomed to be a short one!
So ladies, if you don’t give your man lots of blow-jobs I suggest you start to! Guys if you want more blow-jobs learn how to give your woman mind blowing orgasms and she is much more likely to oblige.
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