Easy to Learn, Powerful and Very Effective!
Note – This blog post is mainly written for people who want make women cum (guys and gals) but if you are a woman and have never experienced a deep spot orgasm please read on. Once you know what it is you can teach your lover a new exciting way to make you cum. (Maybe even send your lover a link to this blog post).
Before I go any further I need to give credit to a man called David Shade, it was from him that I learned about the deep spot (and a lot of other amazing techniques that I will save for another blog post)! David is a remarkable man, he rose from the ashes from a painful divorce to become one of the most skilled sex experts there is. The methods he teaches REALLY WORK and he has a free download that’s well worth checking out on this link…
Some questions:
- What is it?
- How do you stimulate it?
- What is so special about it?
What exactly is this secret spot?
It is a smooth frisbee shaped area, deep inside the woman’s vagina close to her cervix. It is sensitive enough to give powerful orgasms but not overly sensitive (like a clit just after orgasm). This means with firm regular stokes the deep spot can be used to give a woman powerful orgasms with NO CLITORAL STIMULATION again and again.
How do you stimulate it?
This technique is very simple but it does take a little bit of practice. Get your lady to lie on her back with her legs wide open and her knees bent. Insert your middle finger as deep as possible inside her and make a “come hither motion” almost as if you are trying to tickle the back of her belly button from the inside out. Try a few different areas until she starts to respond with pleasure and then just repeat until she cums.
The technique really is that simple but the reality is that you might find it a bit tiring at first. Your arm and finger night get a little achy! Don’t worry just keep practicing until you build up the stamina.
Also you will find she gets so horny she wriggles about a lot with pleasure making it hard to keep your finger on the magic spot. There is a simple solution to both these problems – Put your spare hand on her belly and push down towards your finger. This helps you keep your fingertip in the right place, it helps you when your fingers get tired and it also increases her pleasure (by allowing you to push harder).

What is so special about the deep spot?
First of all it is the easiest and most effective way of giving a woman a vaginal orgasm. Most women think that they need clitoral stimulation to cum and by giving her a vaginal orgasm (with no clit stimulation) you will blow her mind.
Secondly, very few people know about this. So if you use this on a woman it will very likely be the first time she has experienced it.
Finally as the deep spot is not as sensitive as her clit, she can take repeated stimulation even while cumming. This means you can use it to give her very long, intense orgasms like she has never had before.
To find out more about the deep spot (and the other secret and immensely powerful techniques David teaches) – Check out this free download with some insane techniques to sky rocket your sexual skills!
It is real easy once you know how and you will soon have the power to make any woman cum harder than she ever has in her life! Also don’t forget that women talk to each other, especially about great sex. if you get this skill mastered and do a good job on one lady, she will tell her friends and then guess what might happen..? 😉
Have a good one!
PS – Don’t forget to leave any comments or questions you have in the box below, I am here to help.
PPS – If you click on the David Shade link above he will give you a ton of amazing free stuff, he will also offer you the chance to buy some advanced sexual skills courses. I love his stuff and highly recommend it but of course feel free to just take the free bonuses and don’t spend a dime, his free stuff is still well worth grabbing!