Obviously I am a bit biased as along with my business partner @lola I own the site BUT I still think it is awesome and here is why:
The members are awesome – We have a hardcore (no pun intended 😉 ) bunch of members who login pretty much every day. Then we also have loads of members who pay us a visit a few times a week. Finally we also have some regulars who pop in on the odd occasion when they are in the mood (aka they are horny and want to read a sexy story lol 😉 )
The activity – Funny jokes, sexy gifs and images of what our sexy members have been getting up too! Naughty chat rooms, open-minded people and lots more awesomeness.
The library is packed with free erotic stories – We have hundreds of top notch, super sexy free erotic stories. They have all been added by our members so there is true stories and real life confessions galore.
It is totally free to join in the fun – I love the fact that we don’t charge you money to get your membership. You can access all of this cool stuff for free!
There is no bullying or trolling allowed – We love our members and we will never let anyone mess with them. Trolls and bullies are banned for life!
All types of sexuality and genders are welcome – Our community is non-judgmental and open to all sexual orientations and genders.
So if that hasn’t convinced you to click here and claim your free membership, maybe this video will..?
If you have any questions about the site, please feel free to get in touch, or ask any question you have in the comments section below…
Have a good one!
PS – Please also feel free to check out our super sexy toys store on this link…